Year 5 & Year 6 Bikeability Course

The Year 5 and Year 6 children are enjoying taking part in an Outspoken Training Level 1 & 2 Bikeability course this week, every day up to and including Thursday.  This is run by qualified Instructors and is fully funded by Northamptonshire Highways (West Northamptonshire Council).  

First of all on Monday, the children had some time practicing applying their brakes, pedalling in a straight line, avoiding hazards, etc. on the playground, in preparation for going out on the roads.

Tuesday and today they have gone out on the roads in Kilsby to experience road cycling, where they will practise starting and stopping, passing stationary vehicles, negotiating junctions and gain understanding of road signals, signs and markings.  

This is a very worthwhile course and the children always really enjoy it.  From this, they acquire the confidence, skills and awareness they need when out cycling on the roads now and in the future.
